How to wear Catsuits

258-show-elsa_elsa_catsuit_-_2011Catsuits are by far our biggest sellers at Firefly Dancewear. More than all our other products combined in fact! These days they are common for lots of sports, like speed skating, bobsled, cycling and more.

But where did they come from and why are they so popular?
Catsuits have actually been around  since the 1940’s, zoom_Starlite_Hologram_Gem_Catsuit_7but were especially popular in the 80’s when everyone was fitness mad. They even became street wear in the UK!

Today I see lots of use of them as dancewear, especially the animal prints and metallics. Quite often they are turned into superhero costumes too, with Catwoman being the most obvious, but I have even had one used as an invisible woman, and one for a man to wear to a Priscilla Queen of the Desert style party.

Today the fabrics and colours available make them a very versatile item for dance and circus concerts and performances, particularly Cats remakes, but also for animals in a production of Wizard of Oz or a silver one for the  Tin Man. They are brilliant for aerials acts, especially if they have stirrups built into them.

So for your next show take a look at the huge range we have and see how you could use a catsuit to create a character, or a fabulous costume.

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