Last minute dramas

10337743_977647518936767_930550839906323390_nAs a dance and circus mum for many years I was always happiest when costumes were sorted out early on. Last minute dramas were something I just couldn’t cope well with, especially with 3 kids to organise. Before I started importing and selling costumes, I would often take on the job of organising costumes for groups both big and small just so I could be sure it would be done in time and wouldn’t end up:

  •  a big drama where we had to find a pattern and then someone who could sew or
  •  really expensive or 
  •  really inappropriate to the activity being performed or the age group wearing it. There is nothing worse than watching someone go on stage when they are embarrassed by what they are wearing.

For this reason, I am always really pleased when I get teachers or parents contacting me in regards to costumes when they have a realistic deadline. So often I get “I need it tomorrow” or “by the end of the week” and I almost always have to answer that it just can’t be done with most of my ranges, despite warnings all over the website that this is the case. I hate having to do this and let people down but it just can’t be helped.





So, when should you think about the next costume?

Really you should start looking at designs as soon as term starts and a new routine begins, in the same way you would choose the music. And then get measurements done and ordering under way!!

The costume needs to suit the music and style of the routine, be age appropriate and something the dancer/performer is happy in, be suitable for the activity ( costume malfunctions are never fun, especially when hanging upside down on a trapeze or in the middle of the stage!), and not cost the earth if possible, because in reality they will often get little use again later, especially for growing children.

With all this in mind, the new Dance Costume range at Firefly Dancewear really does image-2073-0-1467128308000simplify the whole process of dressing groups of all sizes. Great colours and styles are available, and most have a huge size range often beginning at just 2 years old and going up to an XXL adult. Most costumes are under $80 too so they won’t break the bank! So take a look now for inspiration. We have styles that suit Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Tap and more…

I am always happy to hear from you if you need any advice on sizing or availability. Just email me at

And let your teacher know about the great costumes available now at!!



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